Hi there! You've reached this page because you either bought or received a card and followed the link on it. Thanks for coming and thank you for sending (or accepting) kindness!
“There are three ways to ultimate success:
The first way is to be kind.
The second way is to be kind.
The third way is to be kind.”
― Fred RogersThe first way is to be kind.
The second way is to be kind.
The third way is to be kind.”
Peace, joy, love, kindness Holiday Tree cards | Paper crane cards: 50% of the artist's profits from the sale of these cards will be donated to SPARK Kindness. SPARK Kindness's mission is “To build a kind, resilient and welcoming community where no one feels alone, bullied, unsupported or unconnected. We support families, schools, organizations, coaches, artists, faith and community leaders in building a culture that empowers youth and promotes kindness and respect.”
Joy to the world cards: 50% of the artist's profits from the sale of these cards will be donated to The Children's Room, in honor of a dear friend, her late husband, and their two children. According to their mission statement, “The Children’s Room creates safe, supportive communities so that no child, teen or family has to grieve alone.”
Single PINK heart on brown kraft paper A2 card: 100% of the artist’s profits from the sale of this card will be donated to the ACLU so that all people will have the chance to be afforded equal rights.
Single Turquoise heart on brown kraft paper A2 card: 100% of the artist’s profits from the sale of this card will be donated to 100% of the profits from the sale of this card will be donated the ECCF/COVID-19 Fund for the Greater Lawrence Area.
School-style valentines (1/8 page size): 50% of the artist's profits from the sale of these cards will be donated to the Martin Richard Foundation. While searching for a cause to which to donate, I was moved by the late Martin's words: “No more hurting people. Peace” and the Foundation's mission to invest in education, athletics and community.
Produce cards: 30% of the artist's profits from the sale of these cards will be donated to the Sudbury Food Pantry. The Sudbury Food Pantry is a wonderful organization local to the artist. From their website: “If you believe you need assistance getting quality food for your family, the Sudbury Food Pantry is here for you. There are no residency requirements.”
Penguin cards: 50% of the artist's profits from the sale of these cards will be donated to Family Promise Metrowest. Family Promise Metrowest's mission is “To transform the lives of families with children who are homeless by mobilizing a diverse community to provide shelter, education and comprehensive support.” This organization was suggested and voted for by followers on social media.
Rainbow thank you cards: 50% of the artist's profits from the sale of these cards will be donated to Doc Wayne Youth Services, Inc. Doc Wayne's mission “is to fuse sport and therapy to heal and strengthen at-risk youth.”
Peace, joy, love, kindness Holiday Tree cards | Paper crane cards: 50% of the artist's profits from the sale of these cards will be donated to SPARK Kindness. SPARK Kindness's mission is “To build a kind, resilient and welcoming community where no one feels alone, bullied, unsupported or unconnected. We support families, schools, organizations, coaches, artists, faith and community leaders in building a culture that empowers youth and promotes kindness and respect.”
Can I purchase some cards myself?
Sure, if there are any in stock! Check out the "Send Kindness" section of my Etsy Shop or contact me at bethany@bethanyschlegel.com.xoxo